:: Friday, March 24, 2006 ::

dreary days life: another drab dreary day. It is tough to get inspired with all this grey about. twigs for trees and damp ground and heavy overcast. Not fun. suits my mood when driving in all of this. Yesterday I spent some time around Thamesford. The image above was shot a couple of concessions to the West. I also climbed to the top of the Cobble Hills ski slopes (which winded me so I am out of shape for sure), found an interesting cemetary, and then headed east towards Woodstock. I had seen the LaFarge cement facility spewing steam from it's huge tower from Cobble Hills and thought to get a closer look.
I went down the side road emmediatly to the east and took a few shots and found a couple of things when sunnier which should look spectacular, but then I left conscious of the 'no trespassing' aspect... Heading on Hwy2 I came up behind a dump truck which had left the facility not five minutes before and all of a sudden there was this brown angular asteroid as big as half my fist heading towards my windshield. I was doing over 80kph so it's closure was probably in the neighbourhood of 100kph. It happened in slow motion tumbling right at me and then Wham! it struck a glancing blow right at eye level on the driver's side - so about 24 inches from my face.
The impact was so loud that my ears were ringing a little. I instinctively ducked a bit and turned my head - which isn't a good idea at 80kph. When I realized that there was no sound of rushing wind or a crack creeping and starring and getting larger, I continued to drive - though at a safer distance from the truck and pumped with adrenaline ready for the next boulder. It really frazzled me. I have had stones n such, but this was pretty big and if the angle had been slightly different, it probably would have done in the window. Funny how I travelled all the way to Newfoundland and on some really bad roads there and nothing. but 25km from home... :)
Carpe Diem
:: Mike Wood 11:36 [+] ::